Friday, May 29, 2009

This Is Starting To Get Old

Let me start by saying, I really do love the rain. There is nothing I enjoy more than being home in comfy clothes on a nasty rainy day. Maybe because I'm able to justify laying around and doing nothing all day. Well, it seems like it has been raining here for months on end. We have been getting a few nice weekends mixed in here and there but overall, I just don't remember having it rain so often.

I'm also thinking that something about the weather patterns have been off. It's not unusual around here to have low clouds lingering around that will literally cling to the coast and make it look like a scene in some Stephen King book. Everything on the island will have this dreary damp mist and all you have to do is drive over the bridge about three miles west and the weather will be perfectly clear and sunny. Weird, right?

I know this isn't an exciting post but I was completely shocked when I went to let Lucy out before only to find it's raining yet again. Rumor has it, it's supposed to push out tonight and turn out to be a beautiful weekend but I'll believe it when I see it.

***I had to edit this to add it is absolutely gorgeous out!***

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