Saturday, February 28, 2009

What To Do?

I have a few things I would really like to accomplish today but unfortunately, I don't have any motivation to get started. I'm a little bummed today is the Polar Bear Plunge and I was all set to do until I tested positive for strep throat on Thursday. I guess there is always next year but I wanted to do it now, while I still had the nerve. I think I'll head up there anyway. It'll still be fun watching everyone freeze their butts off and Big Boy will probably get a huge kick out of it. Afterwards, I'm thinking we'll go on the merry go round and hit Maruca's for some pizza. He'll be in heaven. Luckily, I don't feel bad today. Never under estimate the power of a Z-pak!

Hmmm. Should I go to Walmart today? Maybe I can find a few of the things I have been looking for there. I'm just not in the mood for Target. I can actually say I need to take a two or three month Target hiatus. There isn't anything I need and I would be spending money we really didn't have. Not that Walmart is much better but at least there I know I'll find a few things I could justify buying.

Next on my list is to go out and buy Breaking Dawn. I fell for those books and I fell hard. On Thursday, while I was home sick, I finished Twilight and read New Moon cover to cover before working may through the first fifty or so pages of Eclipse. Yesterday I was lucky enough to come across a link to the Twilight movie and watched it throughout the afternoon in twenty minute intervals. Eh. I though it was alright. I really enjoyed the camera work and the grainy texture to the film but I just don't understand why Hollywood feels the need to deviate so far from the book. I thought there were a few things they could have done better but obviously it doesn't matter. If it did, I would be in Hollywood making a hell of a lot more money than I am now.

I think I'll postpone grocery shopping until tomorrow morning. It's only after nine but already to late to brave Shop Rite. On the bathroom front....we are so close to being finished. We need to pick a new paint color because the one we picked is way to dark after all so we decided to use that in our bedroom. Unfortunately, I have no idea when I'll get to Lowe's to get paint sampled because that is a store BB just can't handle. It puts him in sensory overdrive and just isn't worth it...for everyone involved.

I think that's enough incoherent rambling for one day. Let's hope it's a good one.

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