Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I Should Have Kept My Mouth Shut
As soon as I walked in from work I turned on the fireplace and put on my thick fleece pajama bottoms. Hell, I'm not going out so I might as well be warm and cozy. Hubby picked up some great snacks and even though I'm not much of a drinker (anymore) I think I'll make myself a mojito later. Why not, right? Hopefully, we can make it to midnight.
Big Plans Tonight?
Hubby and I do have fun tonight though. We eat snacky food all night and play board games and friends tend to drop in throughout the night. Unfortunatly, right now I have to get ready for work. This should be a fun day. All of these morons waiting until the last minute for their medication and then throwing a hissy fit because their doctor has already left for the day is closed until Monday. Good times.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Hmmm...Kicking An Idea Around
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Welcome to Tropical NJ
Hello......................winter...where are you?
Saturday, December 27, 2008
And It's Over
Maybe if Christmas wasn't pounded into our heads from Thanksgiving day on, everyone would be able to enjoy the holiday season a little longer. I do. I consider it Christmas right up until New Years day and then we take down our tree. By then I'm ready to have my house back to normal but until then, it is still Christmas at the beach.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Southern Pecan Pie
3 eggs
1 cup white sugar
1 cup corn syrup
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups pecan halves
1 recipe pastry for a 9 inch single crust
Beat eggs slightly in medium bowl. Beat in sugar, and then blend in syrup, butter or margarine, vanilla, salt, and pecans.
Pour filling into unbaked pie shell.
Bake in preheated oven for 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 degrees F, and continue baking 35 to 40 minutes; the pie will be brown and slightly puffed.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
My Mommy's Christmas Tree
Everyone in our family has their own picture ornament. I actually really love my parents Christmas tree. It was so fun decorating it as a kid even though everything had it's own special place and the candy canes all had to be facing the same way. I do have one gripe...I noticed my ornament picture is way down on the bottom. I'm assuming this problem will resolve itself before my next visit. Cough*hint*cough.
A Little More Lucy
I realized I haven't updated on how well things are going with our new dog Lucy in a while. I think we have finally hit the dog jackpot. I have no idea what happened to this dog before we rescued her but for the life of me, I don't understand how anyone could have gotten rid of her. She is the sweetest dog I have ever met. She is housebroken, command trained and just perfect. Of course, I hope I didn't just jinx myself by typing that.
Easiest Fudge Ever
Friday, December 19, 2008
The Kindness Of Strangers
I guess it fell out of my pocket when I was getting in to my truck and the lady at the post office said I wasn't even gone three minutes when a man said he found it outside in a puddle. I was on my way to the mall and as soon as I got over the bridge my fuel light came on so I figured I needed gas. Thank goodness because I would have gotten all the way to the mall and would have had to leave. Also, I'm so lucky I had cash on me at the gas station. I never carry cash and for some reason when I was at the bank earlier I though maybe I should grab a few bucks "just in case." Weird, huh?
It has been an interesting day all around. We are officially ready for Christmas. I am so happy I don't have to do anymore running around! While I was in the bookstore today, I was checking out a book for Big Boy. It was a learn your shapes book with a magna doodle thing on top so he could practice drawing. Well, there was a grandma type lady looking with me and I went to grab the Winnie the Pooh one and of course, she said "Ooooh, do you see anymore, my granddaughter would love that I let her have it. Then I went for the Cars one...well wouldn't you know it! Her grandson would just love that one too! Finally, I grabbed the Finding Nemo one and before she could even open her trap I just ignored her and walked away. Sorry lady! What the hell? Is she the Duggar grandmother?
I am finally home and tucked away in my warm house. It's puring rain out and I am so happy I don't have to go anywhere else!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I Lie All The Time
I am so tired of people asking me how much I weigh. At least it's winter and I can hide how skeleton like I am under bulky sweaters. Anyway, hubby and I have a bet. He is in great shape but he knows he can't help himself around the holidays so our bet is he has to lose 15lbs after the holidays and I have to gain 15lbs. I am doing my best to win. Now everyone knows.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
The Perfect Grocery Store
I guess I'm a grocery snob though. I don't much care for the A&P on the island because they jack the prices up and the meat is never fresh. The place really needs to go. Now, should I venture over the bridge, there are quite a few to choose from but each one has it's faults. The Foodtown has great mean but the store feels like I just walked into a time warp. It is so old and outdated that it's just creepy. Also, for the life of me I just can't figure out the greenpoints. I buy something because it's on sale and then when I go to checkout, I find out I need 8 million more greenpoints to get the dollar off. No Thanks. Ah... the Stop & Shop. Just gorgeous. Newly renovated, clean...perfect. Not really, the people there are lazy and always have an attitude and the prices are really marked up. Besides, they don't have the cool shopping carts. Finally, we come to the tried and true Shop Rite. Great store, great prices and everything is always fresh. That's the problem. The place is forever packed. I actually stopped going there for about two years and just recently went back. I think I have figured out the secret though....about 8pm Friday night ot 8am Saturday morning. If I Can keep to those two times, I should be able to get in and out with no problem. The big bonus..........they have the fun fire truck carts which allows me to shop in peace and keeps BB amused the entire time!
I know my grocery shopping problems probably seem petty but it's actually one of the few things that really stress me out. Ah, I guess I'll live.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
A Happy Ending
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
One More To Go
I just want tomorrow to be over and done with. I really don't think there is anything wrong with BB's hearing but this test is the only way to find out. Wish us luck!
C'mon Michelle!
This is one of the few shows I watch and I am seriously a Biggest Loser junkie. I am so excited on Tuesday nights! Maybe that is why I was disappointed in the way some of the contestants behaved this season. This was one of the shows that you actually felt good about watching. These people are working their butts of and really trying to do something to help themselves and their family. One by one all of the contestants I liked started getting picked off. First went Amy and the Phil. I just loved this couple and I really wish Phil would have smacked Huba Heba right upside her head. Colleen was then booted because the other Amy was trying to impress the blue team and Trainer Bob and then she was booted off the following week. Good. Finally, Renee was voted out. She was one hell of a player throughout the entire season and I was really happy to see that her and Michelle were able to rebuild their relationship.
Anyway, I just hope that Michelle can pull it out in the finale next week. I don't think Vicki deserves to win. She is an ugly soul with a real mean streak. As for Ed & Heba....there are no words. Go Michelle!
Monday, December 8, 2008
A Good Day
I'm a little nervous about tomorrow because Hubby won't be with me and BB is going to know what's going on. I expect him to have a tantrum tomorrow but if he doesn't then I will be even more amazed at just how strong he is. I would love to give more of an update but it's been a long day and I think I'm going to head off to bed! Wish me luck for a smooth morning tomorrow!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
I Think He's Ready To Go....But am I Ready To Let Him Go?
You about make me cry with you woman!! You're ripping me apart with your anxiety! And I thought *I* was bad!! LOL I'm so eager to hear all about how this goes tomorrow, so I hope you will share it right away! Well, as soon as you can anyway!! Do you already have what he is going to wear all picked out? Are you packing his lunch or is he buying it there? If packing, what are you making him??
Now to answer your questions....Yes, his clothes are all picked out for him and ready to go on his bed. I even have both mine and Hubby's clothes ready to go for the morning. I am trying to avoid last minute morning mayhem just in case something happens in the morning. BB will be bringing his lunch tomorrow. I have packed him a Motts apple juice box along with macaroni and cheese, a granola bar ans a few rice cakes. He has a small pack of Teddy Grahams for snack time. I love the fact that they will heat his lunch up for him!They really are so unbelievably accommodating. I will put a few dollars in his lunch box and let one of the aides know I would like him to also have milk with his lunch. Let's see....I have a bag of wipes, diapers and pull ups along with a change of clothes all ready to go. This bag will be staying at school.
I don't know what I am going to do when he starts crying tomorrow when we go to leave. I just keep thinking about how happy he is going to be when he gets off the school bus and sees everyone waiting for him. I"m happy with my decision to drive him in the morning. That is more time we have together.
Ugh. I need to go to bed but I just don't want to. BB is sleeping in my bed so I think I'll go cozy up to him and try not to cry! Wish us luck tomorrow and I''ll be back as soon as possible with all the details!
Tomorrow is a Big Day
I know he is going to be just fine but I can't say the same for myself. Hubby took the day off work tomorrow and we will be driving him to school together. We decided ti wait and go grocery shopping and finish up some errand after we drop him off in the morning. My plan is to stay as busy as possible in hopes the time will just fly by and it will be time for him to come home. He will be taking the school bus to my Mom's house after school since she lives in the same school district there is no problem with the arrangements I have made. The school even went out last week and bought him his very own car seat for the school bus.
I can't wait to see his face tomorrow when the bus pulls up and we are all waiting for him. I'm still debating on bringing Lucy with us, I just don't want her to steal the thunder! I still have a lot to do today so I guess I should get to it. I am just so nervous for him. I know in my heart he is going to love it and it really is the absolute best thing for him but....he's my baby.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Like a Scene From a Movie
I am so happy we finished decorating the tree last night. I think it looks so beautiful. It's definetly bigger then we usually get but I thinks it's a nice fit.
It's so nice to have the Christmas spirit again. For the longest time it seemed to be lost and I often wondered if I would ever feel the same way about Christmas again. That was until I had Big Boy. He has brought back the love of Christmas for both me and hubby. We plan on making every Christmas for BB as wonderful as can be and I'm not really talking about gifts. I want to take BB ice skating before Christmas and I want to drive around and show him all the beautiful Christmas light, sing Christmas carols and bake cookies with him.
I think he knows something is up because he is constantly looking at all the decorations and he seems to really like them.
Damn. I just realized what time it is and BB has a birthday party to go to in the morning and I do not want to be tired and cranky, I think we can all agree on that.
Anyway, I hope everyone likes the pictures if our tree!
Look Out CVS!
He is getting dropped off at my parents house and little does Grandpa know....Nanny is coming with me and he has to watch BB!
Normally, I have no problem taking BB everywhere with me but he has been boycotting the shopping cart lately and the last thing I want to do is chase him around CVS, especially today. My Mom is coming with me so it should be a real fun morning. I'm glad she will be able to get out of the house in peace for a little while without my father jingling his keys and tapping his foot because she is taking to long. Well, the sooner I get dressed, the sooner I"ll be shopping.
By the way....did I mention it's going to be a CVS Christmas.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
A Little Lucy Update.
I would love to be able to stay home and play with her and Big Boy all day but unfortunately, I have to leave for work.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Name Change!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I Would Like You All To Meet...
Next comes the big question...what is she? The people over at the shelter really didn't have much info on her other than she has been there for two weeks and is very friendly. Hubby seems to think she is a boxer/pit bull mix.
Once I am able to snap a few better pictures of her I'll be sure to post them. I think she is a sweet dog and both BB and Hubby just love her so I really hope she works out.
Friday, November 28, 2008
You Can Feel It In The Air!
Big Boy is starting school next Monday. We are all extremely excited for him. I really think he is going to just love it. I was able to meet his teacher and the other kids in the class. I am so lucky to live in the school district I'm in. They have been just wonderful in helping me get Big Boy the help he needs for his speech delay. I also went school clothes shopping for him earlier tonight. Have I mentioned how much I just love Old Navy. Hey, being a grown up is expensive and the days of dressing head to toe in J Crew and Ann Taylor are a thing of the past!
I think I need to head off to bed. I have the weekend off and I can't even tell you how much I a looking forward to it. Unfortunately, I jumped the shark and both the inside and outside of the house is already decorated for Christmas. I wish we could go get our tree but Hubby says it's a little early for that. My goal is to get BB's Christmas card pictures finished this weekend and we have the best idea ever this year. I'll be sure to post a pic if we can ever get them done. Time for bed. Good Night.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thanksgiving Checklist
*Turkey-goes without saying
*Stuffing & pork for the stuffing-we dig the pig in this house
*Mashed Potatoes
*Candied Sweet Potatoes-Mmmmm
*Mashed Turnips-So yummy!
*Dinner Rolls
*Green Bean Casserole-My brother brought this every year until he passed away. I think I'm
the only one who like it but it just isn't Thanksgiving without it.
*Another Veggie-I think I'll ditch the asparagus this year and go with broccoli with Cheese
sauce. My mom will be here and she makes it the best!
*We need some hor dourves-maybe cheese & crackers and some shrimp cocktail
*Homemade pies-My favorite part. I'm thinking apple, pumpkin & cherry. Maybe some
biscotti and cookies too.
*Eggnog with Rum-VERY IMPORTANT
Now I need to go get everything. I love that all the holiday meals are at my house now. Big Boy does so much better here at home and I just love to cook and bake so it works out for everyone!
Dear Big Boy,
I guess if Trix are for kids than Xanax is for moms. Ugh!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Help a Friend Out....
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Must Try Almond Biscotti
1 1/2 cups whole, skin on almonds or chopped almonds
2 1/2 cups unbleached flour (plus more for shaping)
1 2/3 cups granulated sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking powder
3 eggs
3 egg yolks
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
1 tsp. pure almond extract
Heat oven to 350 F. Toast the almonds on a baking sheet in a single layer until they are fragrant (about 10 minutes). Leave the oven on.
Use your mixer (hook attachment) or large bowl with hand mixer combine all the dry ingredients(except the almonds) and mix on low speed. In another bowl lightly beat together the wet ingredients and once mixed slowly pour into the flour mixture. When the mixture is almost completely incorporated add the almonds and mix at low speed until the dough comes together. DO NOT OVER MIX! The dough should be stiff and sticky.
Dump the dough on a lightly floured surface and need any of the remaining dry ingredients from the mixing bowl in by hand. Separate the dough into three equal pieces. With floured hands, roll each piece into a log about 10 inches long and 2 inches wide. Arrange the three logs on parchment lined baking sheets 4 inches apart. I have discovered those baking mats that fit into my baking sheets and I love them! Nothing ever burns anymore.
Bake the logs until they are light brown but still soft. I usually do it for about 35-40 minutes. You will have to judge depending on your oven. Take the baking sheet out of the oven and reduce the temperature to 300F. Let the logs cool on the baking sheet for about ten minutes and then move them to a cutting board and slice in a slight angle to your desired thickness. I usually do a little over a half an inch. Place the biscotti CUT SIDE DOWN back on the baking sheet and dry them in the oven for about 10 to 15 minutes but don't let them darken. Put them on a rack and let them cool. You can also add chocolate chips to the recipe or if you like your biscotti to have a Sambuca flavor, you can add 1 tsp aniseed in place of the almond extract.
This is a really super easy recipe. Enjoy!
Friday, November 14, 2008
It Was Only A Matter Of Time
Anyway, here is the number in case any of you Jersey folk find yourself needing it (which I hope you never do). 1-800-222-1222.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Random Beauty

This time of year really brings out the typical "sleepy beach town" feeling to the area. The beach is dotted with fishermen hoping to catch the big one and since there is always a brisk wind, it's perfect kite flying weather.

Hubby likes to talk about moving but I don't think he could do it. I really don't think there is anywhere else I would want to raise Big Boy. Hopefully, our property taxes won't push us out of here and all major storms decide to turn out into the ocean.

This will always be my favorite time of year. Everything seems so calm after a hectic summer. I hope Big Boy will appreciate the beauty in all this one day.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
I Love A Productive Day!
Today was a day to be proud of. There is always the usual list of chores to do. First we go grocery shopping and then all the bed linens are changed. All of the laundry in the house was washed and put away along with all the hand towels and bath mats. I know, pretty unbelievable! Next, it was time to tackle the yard. Compliments of a low that had been sitting off the coast for almost a week, the yard was a mess. The front yard wasn't too bad and hubby actually got that done while I was grocery shopping with Big Boy. The backyard on the other hand was a disaster area because the leaves were still wet and one side of the yard is rocks so the leaves kept sticking to them. Hubby let me play with the leaf blower! Then I got my scarf caught up in it and Hubby took it away. I did see one of the coolest things though. When we blew the leaves off the pool cover, they left these beautiful prints behind. Naturally, I had to grab my camera and Hubby though I was a weirdo taking pictures of the "dirty" pool cover. Did I mention BB ran across the pool cover? Yeah, good times. Thank goodness for the safety cover.
Big Boy was in heaven playing outside all day and I am in heaven right now because he was so worn out he went to bed nice and early. After the leaves we came in the house and gave BB a haircut, which he does not like what so ever. I then cleaned a bit more and cooked an awesome lamb chop dinner. Yummy! Now I am going to watch some TV with Hubby and possibly call it a day.
What a great weekend!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Thank Goodness for EBay!
A few weeks ago, I happened to be browsing through EBay and stumbled upon some JoJo stuff and it was ending in three minutes. I quicky searched my desk drawer for my EBay passwords and got a bid of $18.01 in with about ten seconds on the clock! Yahoo! I had won BB some JoJo stuff! It finally came today and he is so happy! He now has Goliath to go with JoJo. He has a few of the character figurines, the JJ car and JJ's house. Most importantly...I have a back up JoJo with the tags still on it tucked away up high in a cabinet. It's the same one he has. I have nightmares about what would happen if he ever lost her. Now I can rest a little easier knowing I have one in reserve.
To tell the truth, she is getting really worn out too. He takes her in the bath with him every night, she plays outside with him and she eats with him. It is only a matter of time before she needs major repair surgery or doesn't survive a trip to the washing machine. He loves her though and that's all that matter,
So, the moral of the story....Thank heavens for EBay!
A Tragic Day For Our Country
2012 can't come soon enough.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Oh No...
Monday, November 3, 2008
Say a Little Prayer
Friday, October 31, 2008
In a Fog
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Is This Your First Day As An Adult?
I go have a few rants I need to get off my chest though. I know when I need a refill on my medication, I call my doctor and let the office know. They either call it in or I pick it up at the office. Easy. Why on earth do people think it is my responsibility to call YOUR doctor for YOUR medication. I never in a million years knew people were so lazy that they had the pharmacy techs calling for their refills. Of course, heaven forbid the doctor doesn't call back of denies the request! They will stand there and yell at me like it's my fault they are without their medication. I don't know? These are just a few rants I need to get off my chest.
Here's another PSA...if you are waiting for your prescription, please don't drop it off at the drop off area and walk IMMEDIATLY over to pick up and ask if your prescription is ready. Are you serious! How the hell am I supposed to fill your script in the thirty seconds you asshat! Oh, and asking me every three minutes if it's ready will not help your cause.
Finally, yes that is your copay, yes I ran it through your insurance and yes this is the same amount you have been paying every month. Why must you ask me the same questions every month. I have many more but I'm too tired to think of them. Wish me luck.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Best Weekend Ever

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Happy Birthday Big Boy!
Happy Birthday Big Boy! Mommy & Daddy love you so very much!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Birthday Cake Success!
I can't wait to see his little face tomorrow when he sees his cake!
Yay! I guess I should head to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day and I don't want to be tired on Big Boy's special day!
Wish Me Luck

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
His First Real Bike!!!

What to do first?
Now for the question of the day. What to get BB for his birthday. Unfortunatly, none of the stores carry any JoJo stuff anymore so I had to buy a few things off eBay which won't be here in time. We need to get a gift for one of his friends who is having a birthday party on Sunday. I'll let BB tell me what he wants. We'll go to TRU and hopefully he'll be excited about a few things and I'll buy those. Luckily, I can still take him with me when I shop for him. I know this will be the last year for that. I guess I should get rolling on my day.
Feel free to drop any gift suggestions!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
A Free Dr. Pepper You Say....
Since I am not a fan of the drink, should everyone in America receive a free can of Dr. Pepper, I will happily send my coupon to my good friend over at Confessions of a Dr. Pepper Addict. Obviously, you can see why I would send it to her. So there you go. I'm thinking it will never happen but for the sake of my friend, we can hope G&R gets their act together!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A Moment of Weakness
I felt sick, physically ill. I could feel the tears building in my eyes. For some reason, I continued to look around at all the things I will never need again. I noticed some new products and some old favorites that I couldn't live without when BB was an infant. All the while, I was fighting off being sick right in the store.
Does this make me a terrible person. I know I am so unbelievably lucky to have my son and I would die for him. I just wonder if I did the right thing having this hysterectomy? Sure, I was always sick and in constant pain but, could I have tried a few more cycles of Lupron? Maybe I could have given a different birth control a chance? Part of me feels something could have been done to control the endometriosis which caused my infertility. Did my body just give up?
I have an attic full of baby clothes, toys and equipment that could easily be donated somewhere but I just can't bring myself to go up there and sort through it. I have tons of maternity clothes just collecting dust. I refuse to give them away. When will I start to feel whole again. When will I forgive myself for not being able to give BB a little brother or sister.
I'm sure over time I will begin to feel better about all this but right I'm in a bad place. I need to figure out how to get past all of this and not look back.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Not Much To Say...
I guess I should get back to making phone calls. When did society become so rude. I have been trying to schedule a test for over three weeks now and I just keep getting jerked around. Such is life.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Seeing Red!
Of course the man I spoke with on the phone was a complete jerk and doesn't feel anything was done wrong. Honestly, I thought the money had been drafted and certainly was not anticipating that money coming out of my account. That should be my cell phone bill this month! I am so raging angry right now I could scream!
Anyway, even though the hotel is a private franchise, I was able to track down a general customer service number for the corporate office and plan on dealing with this in the morning. I have no problem paying for the night we spent there, I just thought I paid for it back in July!!! I think it is poor business and for once I am going to stand up for myself.
Am I wrong?
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Big Boy of the Corn
We started off feeding the animals which was so cute. Big Boy really got a kick out of the animals eating right out of his hand and it was so sweet to watch him feeding them. From there we walked around the farm a bit and we ran into some friends. Here is where it all began. BB is obsessed with straps and clips. All he wanted to do was play with the buckle on our friend's stroller. At first it was fine but there were other things we wanted to do and when we tried to pull him away he had a complete and total meltdown.
After BB regained his composure we decided to head into the pumpkin patch. This wasn't too bad except he wanted to sit down and play with the vines which have a weird kind of sharp fuzz about them. Somehow we manged to avoid a crisis, quickly loaded up our wagon with a few pumpkins and headed towards the corn field maze.
I had been looking forward to the maze all day. Last year was a blast. BB lead the way and we followed him laughing and taking pictures. This year however, he was trying to make his own paths and run off by himself and was generally a bit too much to handle. I really think it is his age. He wants to be more independent but doesn't know how to go about it without melting down.
After the maze we quickly paid for our pumpkins and just got the heck out of there. We are thinking about going back next weekend when we know we aren't going to meet anyone there and see how he does. I just want to have a good time with him there. I feel so bad for hubby too. He feels the same way and doesn't want this years trip to the pumpkin patch to be a bust.
I think we will try again next week!
Best Apple Pie Ever
Friday, October 10, 2008
Please Stop Pounding

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Be sure to tell me what you think...
Yummy Delicious Cream Cheese Pie...
1 Graham cracker pie crust
2 tsp Vanilla
8 oz Cream cheese, softened
8 oz Whipped topping, frozen
1/3 c Sugar
1 c Sour cream
Beat cream cheese until smooth, gradually beat in sugar. Mix in sour cream and vanilla and slowly fold in whipped topping. Blending well. Spoon into pie crust and chill until set, at least 4 hours. You can top this pie with just about anything. I usually use blueberries of raspberries. I'm sure strawberries are delicious too but I would rather not go to the emergency room afterwards so....I leave them off. Enjoy!
When Will He Understand?
I just don't understand what I did wrong. We tried everything. I have read every book about infant and toddler sleep and nothing has helped. I'm just so exhausted. I hear people talk about how their kid slept through the night right away and they would lay the baby down at 8pm and wouldn't hear a peep until 7am. HOW?!
One day, I pray, he will start sleeping better. I worry about what will happen when he starts school next month. He will not be able to handle school on no sleep. Once again, I really wish he had come with an owner's manual.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The Big Day
Luckily, hubby is coming with us to the evaluation today. I just don't think I was able to do it alone. The thought of being in a room with five other people besides us, who are there strictly to pass judgement on us has be on my way straight into a panic attack. I am already getting shaky just typing this.
I just want what is best for BB. I know he will do wonderfully once he is in school with other kids. We are very fortunate for where we live because the public school system is excellent and so far the people who I have spoken to genuinely seem to care about BB and his future education. So wish us luck and pray there are no breakdowns in the near future.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Ah...The Good Ole' Days
I decided to poke around you tube and found quite a few fantastic clips from some live shows. Rumor has it a few of the boys are currently touring with the Allman Brothers Band. I'm sure it would be a great show but, it's just not the same.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
JoJo My Love....

I really can't complain. Of all the kids cartoons out there, I have to admit, she is my favorite. Hopefully we will be able to make it to Disney before he gets much older so he can "meet" his love.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Happy October!
Oh Saint Anthony.....
All of my grocery store thingies are on there. Not to mention my ID card for work. That's the big one. Well, maybe while I'm looking for the keys are will find his missing sneaker. Come on St. Anthony, show me some love.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Neener, Neener Neener!
At this point I am fuming and also worried about my job. I left a message with the lead tech, who is awesome by the way, and explained what was going on. There was no way I was going to let TN ruin my night. Luckily, I received a text message and apparently the second coming was reading the wrong schedule!!! Ha! I know she was hoping to get me in trouble and it backfired! Also, she will be away for the next few weeks so I don't have to deal with her.
Lesson of the day....Try reading the correct schedule before attempting to be a bitch!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Dear Screaming Child,

Friday, September 26, 2008
The Tech Nazi
Before I say anything, I hope the title of this post does not offend anyone (other than who it is about). However, there is no other way to describe this woman.
I recently started a new job about 2 months ago. I'm a pharmacy technician. Not a bad job at all. I have had more jobs since graduating college almost twelve years ago than most people will have in their life. Ironically, none of them had anything to do with either of my Bachelors degrees. Anyway, there is a woman who I work with who has been doing this job for ten years. That is a long time and she really knows her stuff. I have been doing this for about two months. Before I started, I never realized just how much I had to learn. Let me give you the run down:
-Learn the equivalent generic drug to all brand names(it helps)
-How to navigate the computer system. This is also includes refills, new scripts, returning scripts to stock and a whole mess of other fun stuff.
-How to put scripts through the insurance
-How to read a doctor's handwriting and punch in the script exactly how it is written. Yes, doctors do have the worst handwriting!
-Actually pulling the drugs and filling the prescriptions.
-Fighting on the phone with insurance companies.
Thee is much more but I think I may have already bored a few of you. So, I have been trying really hard to learn all this. Everyone I work with is telling me what a great job I am doing which is so nice to hear because I feel like a screw up. In comes the tech nazi. She always has something to say. Constantly putting me down and making me feel like a jerk. She has even put me down in front of customers. Luckily, I only have to deal with her about twice a week, but its still too much.
I really don't know what to do about this woman. I actually loathe her. I've put her in my "thin mint" file. One day I'll tell you who that is. Ugh! I don't know what to do. I know the next time she does something I am going to pull her aside and call her on it. I just hope it doesn't blow up in my face. Any suggestions?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Bad Parenting 101
I know, I am damning him to a life of selfish behavior by giving in to his every want but that's how I roll.
Alright, I'm off to see how else I can ruin big boy's future....
I love the Rain
I wish I could just crawl up in bed for the next few days and not face the world. I have a feeling things are going to get rough.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Burnin' Jalapeno Fingers Fajitas
Bell peppers...I tend to use one of each: yellow, red, orange & green. Cleaned & sliced.
Onions....whatever kind you like. Peeled and sliced.
Jalapeno many as you can handle. Sliced and use the seeds for extra heat. I strongly recommend using gloves while cutting the hot peppers.
The next part is up to you. You can use chicken (cut in strips), beef (cut in strips) or shrimp. All at the same time or whatever combo strikes your fancy.
In a large skillet or saucepan saute your onions, jalapenos and bell peppers. Cover and stir occasionally to prevent burning. In a separate sautee pan cook off your chicken or whatever you are using. When chicken /meat/shrimp is finished, add it to the onions & peppers. Now add the fajitas seasoning. It doesn't matter what kind you use. I recommend either Ortega or McCormick. Allow the mixture a few more minutes over the heat to absorb the seasoning.
Serve in warm soft tortillas. I always use the large ones. The small ones are wimpy and you end up with a mess. Add sour cream, hot sauce and cheese to taste. These go great with black beans & rice. Goya is a great pick. Enjoy!
Damn....Tagged Again
So here are seven obscure things you probably never wanted to know about me...
1. I never wanted to get married and have kids. I really enjoyed the peter pan syndrome life I was leading. One morning I woke up and I was married and had a kid. I couldn't be happier! My favorite thing to do is lay around in my pajamas on a rainy day and just relax with my boys!
2. I needed a hysterectomy at 33. I was blessed with severe endometriosis and PCOS. My doctor still can't believe I was able to conceive my son. Miracle.
3. I was a cheerleader in high school. I still cringe thinking about that.
4. I have defects in my knees. Long story short, some tendons attached in the wrong place and three knee surgeries later, they still bother me.
5. I have five older brothers. My mother says if she would have had me first, she would have stopped having kids.
6. I can play the clarinet. I can actually play beautifully. I should have went to college for music. Who knows where I would be right now. However, I would not have my husband and son so I am happy with my choice.
7. I married an amazingly talented man. He is an unbelievable carpenter and he also knows how to shape and glass surf boards. Really cool if you ask me.
There you have it. A few things about me you never asked and didn't want to know.
Monday, September 22, 2008
I've got the Jalapeno fingers!
Thank heavens for google! I actually googled "jalapeno fingers" and came up with a few quick remedies. None of them actually worked. I tried soaking my fingers in cold milk, sour cream, vegetable oil and white vinegar. Not at the same time of course. Fail. One person even said to soak my fingers in bleach. I skipped this suggestion. Either, this person knew me and was hoping to inflict more pain on my poor fingers ( it is possible) or they have tried it them self. Either way, I chose to pass on that. I kept a cold compress on them and they seem fine now except after I was my hands, it brings the pain right back.
Ironically, a girl I work with had this happen to her last week. Of course, for the life of me I couldn't remember what she did for it and she didn't answer her phone. Such is life. Hubby found this entire fiasco to be rather amusing.
Today's lesson...always where gloves when cutting jalapenos. The fajitas were delicious by the way!
I'm sorry
Hopefully, when hubby falls asleep tonight I will be able to sneak out here and grab a few minutes to myself.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Eh, Not So Sure?
What do you think.....Any suggestions?
Real Clothes!!!
Even though I should be in bed resting, I guess I'll go clean out some drawers in big boy's room since I don't have to pick him up for a few hours. Or I could take a nap.
Decisions, decisions.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Not Again!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Goodnight Pool
I am trying to justify this anyway I can. I feel so bad.
So True.

Stress Overload

I have it. I don't remember the last time I had so much going on in my life. I am still trying to get adjusted to being back to work full time. The transition was not that difficult but is definetly taking some getting used to. Big boy had been alright with it but he also has his moments.
Big boy has so many appointments these days that I really don't know whether I am coming or going anymore. It is one thing after another. He hasn't exactly been prince charming lately either. I am just about on my last nerve with that. If he touches the tv one more time after I have told him no (and this is no exaggeration) fifty times in one day I may just get into my truck and keep driving.. He doesn't listen to me and I am at my wits end. I am still pissed at the hospital for not sending me home with an owners manual. I could really use the "troubleshooting" section right now.
My poor hubby has been working tons of overtime and I barely see him anymore. I remember there was a time when I could not wait to be all grown up. What I wouldn't give to be able to go back to my youth (or at least college) for one day.

Well, I guess I need to put my happy face back on and confront the reality that things are going to be hectic for a bit. I think I need to invent an alarm clock that dispenses a valium when the morning alarm goes off. I guarantee it would be the "hot ticket" item this Christmas.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Not a Care in the World
Friday, September 12, 2008
The Symbol of Hope
During a time when our county was overcome by grief, fear and anger, a symbol was found in the rubble of the World Trade Center. A cross.
The cross has brought peace and comfort to many who have visited ground zero, many who were never able to bury the remains of the loved one they lost. I may be in the minority in this but I think about that day often. For months after Sept. 11, I was like a scared puppy. I hated coming home from work late because I didn't want to be alone in case something else happened. However, when I read the story of the cross, I felt comforted, not just for me but everyone.
I hope to visit Ground Zero when the cross is brought back and placed within the memorial permanently.

SPECIAL GARDEN (A Child cry to his Daddy)
In my garden, I will plant some of Daddy's things
The hat he wears for his favorite baseball team.
His special notes he wrote to me.
His favorite songs he likes to sing.
His special collect cars he bought last spring.
His favorite tie that has grease stains.
His favorite fishing pole, even though he has never caught anything.
And I'm going to plant some of my tears, these come from me.
Every night before I go to sleep,
will go out to my special garden and pray over Daddy's things.
(c)copyright Natasha Flowers 2002
I guess what I am trying to say is, though I didn't lose anyone that day, I hope the Cross will give those who did comfort, in knowing their loved one is with God.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
A Solemn Day

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Cool Weather Ahead
Bring on the cold weather and the foliage!